Since the dawn of time people have been fascinated and intrigued by owls. Ancient civilizations connected them to the spiritual world and observed them as heralds from higher forces. So it is today. Owls are covered with a veil of mysticism and there is not a single person in the world that doesn’t ask the same question: what does it mean when you see an owl?
An owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. It’s related to mental transformation and maturity. If you see an owl in your enclosure, it symbolizes your mental growth and stability. It’s a sign you’re on a path of cognition of secrets of life and it’s the perfect moment to start a new project in your life.
This article will help you to get a better understanding of what does it mean when you see an owl. I’ll present to you this powerful animal from different angles and give you some insights into the connection between owls and the spiritual world.
- 1 What does it mean when you see an owl?
- 2 What does it mean when you see an owl outside your house?
- 3 Meaning of an owl at your house at night
- 4 What does it mean when you see an owl at night?
- 5 What does it mean when you see an owl during the day?
- 6 What does it mean when you keep seeing owls?
- 7 What does it mean when an owl looks at you?
- 8 What does it mean when you see two owls?
- 9 What does it mean when an owl flies in front of you?
- 10 What does it mean when an owl flies in front of you at night?
- 11 What does it mean spiritually when you see an owl?
- 12 What does it mean when you see an owl on the road?
- 13 What does it mean when you see an owl after someone dies?
- 14 What does it mean to see an owl in the morning?
- 15 What does it mean when you see a brown owl?
- 16 What does it mean when you see a white owl?
- 17 What does it mean when you see a great horned owl?
- 18 Are owls good luck or bad luck?
- 19 Conclusion
What does it mean when you see an owl?

Owls are night hunters and not a common sight to see. So, when you see it, you’re probably wondering what does it mean when you see an owl?
An owl is a good omen and if you see it, you’re a fortunate person.
An owl is related to spiritual awakening and wisdom.
If you start seeing owls in your enclosure, you’re receiving a message from heaven that you’re in the process of mental growth and spiritual transformation.
Even the Ancient Greeks had recognized an owl as a symbol of wisdom.
They believed that owls are messengers from gods and if it landed on someone’s house, that person was likely to have success in politics and had great debating skills.
Owls are much more than unusual birds, they’re extremely skillful night hunters.
They have one of the best senses of sight and hearing in the entire animal kingdom.
That’s why they easily catch prey in the dark night.
An owl reminds you to step into the dark, unknown terrain, to use your abilities, and trust your senses to reach your goals.
An owl appears in your life at a certain moment when your mind and soul are mature enough to see and feel your life from a wider perspective.
It’s the perfect moment to change your life and start a new chapter.
These messages are not a coincidence and they need to be taken seriously.
What does it mean when you see an owl outside your house?
Seeing an owl outside a house leaves no one indifferent.
If you’ve ever seen an owl outside your house, then you’ve probably been wondering what does it mean when you see an owl outside your house?
There are a few possible answers to that question and below you can find some of them.
An owl in your backyard could be a herald of changes.
It is a sign that your inner soul is awakened and you are starting to see so far unseen things.
You’ve gained enough knowledge and experience and you’re finally able to change your life.
A change may come on your professional plans, or it could be a change in your love life.
Voice of the departed soul
An owl in your backyard could be a voice from your ancestors or a beloved person who died recently.
This way the deceased one wants to tell you that you’re not alone.
Even the body of the deceased one left this world, his soul is still with you and follows you through life.
Up to some cultures, an owl in your backyard could be a harbinger of death.
It indicates that someone in your family may face death. Luckily, this is related just to some minor cultures.
Meaning of an owl at your house at night
If you’re wondering what’s the meaning of an owl at your house at night, the answer varies depending on how you see it.
If you sear an owl hoot in the dark night, it may bring you to danger, and maybe it’s better to stay inside the house.
If you see an owl hunting, it symbolizes a new business opportunity.
What does it mean when you see an owl at night?
If you ever wandered around through the night, especially if you’re in the countryside, far away from city lights, then you’ve probably had a chance to see an owl.
An encounter with an owl may seem scary, but on the contrary, it’s a good omen.
If you don’t know what does it mean when you see an owl at night, the answer is that an owl is sent to you to help you to clean up your past.
Just like an owl hunts mice, rats, and other pests, you need to get rid of the heavy burden you’re carrying from the past.
An owl reminds you to wake up your inner spirit and use your wisdom to shape your life.
Wake up a deeply buried monster in your soul and scare away the negativity.
What does it mean when you see an owl during the day?
It’s not a common sight to see an owl during the day.
Owls are extremely cautious animals and they’re usually trying to evade contact with humans.
If you ever saw an owl during the day, you’ve probably wondered what does it mean when you see an owl during the day?
In most cases, seeing an owl during the day indicates that the universe wants to send you important messages.
Those messages are related to spiritual awakening and stepping out of your comfort zone.
Just like an owl gets out of the dark and steps into daylight, you need to step out of your comfort zone and confront your fears.
You need to get rid of fears and negative thoughts and move forward.
If you have heavy thoughts from the past, you need to leave them behind and focus on the future.
If you see an owl during the day it’s not a coincidence and it’s not a coincidence you saw it just now.
It appears in your life when you’re mature enough and when you’re on the path of knowing the secrets of life.
Seeing an owl during the day also symbolizes imbalance.
An owl during the day is a result of unusual activities and it indicates that you need to reconsider your life and try to understand the imbalance you’re exposed to.
Probably you’re doing something wrong and you’re not aware of it, so divine forces are sending you an owl to remind you of it.
What does it mean when you keep seeing owls?
If you keep seeing owls and wondering what does it mean when you keep seeing owls, there could be more than one possible reason for that. I will give you some of the main reasons you keep seeing owls.
Incoming danger
If you keep seeing owls, it could be a warning sign from divine forces. This way your guardian angels want to warn you of incoming danger.
Someone in your enclosure likely works against you and you’re not aware of it.
Try to figure out who it is and stay away from that person.
Start exploring
The presence of owls in your life could be a wake-up call.
Divine forces want to tell you that you’re mature and smart enough to start exploring the secrets of life.
You need to step out of your comfort zone and step into the unknown.
Hidden gems are waiting for you, you just need to figure out how to find them.
Owls are night creatures and an encounter with them during the night may be a bit spooky.
Old Greeks had the belief that owls are harbingers of death.
They believed if an owl landed on someone’s house, that house would be doomed and that person would die in the next battle.
Owls also weren’t popular in Old Rome. Romans also believed that owls are symbols of death.
Soul of departed ones
There’s a widespread belief that owls are the way our departed ones are communicating with us.
So if you keep seeing owls, it’s likely that your ancestors are sending you love and support.
They want to tell you you’re not alone and they’re taking care of you.
That’s also the answer to why you can see owls around cemeteries.
If you sometimes feel like you’re wandering in the dark in this world that shouldn’t scare you, you’re not the only one who feels that way.
A person can feel alone even when it’s in a room full of other people. It is transient, it will not last forever.
People who have an open heart are capable to experience spiritual awakening and live life to the fullest.
After encountering an owl take some time to think about your talents and skills you hadn’t time to develop earlier.
Open your heart and be honest, you owe it to yourself. Listen to your gut. Your inner voice should be louder than all other voices around you.
No one can tell you how you should live your life.
Owls are symbols of wisdom and it’s not a coincidence they have been sent to you.
What does it mean when an owl looks at you?
If you have an encounter with an owl and an owl stares at you, then you’re probably wondering what does it mean when an owl looks at you.
If it happens, it’s a reminder to pay attention to the following events. Something big is about to happen.
What does it mean when you see two owls?
Seeing two owls isn’t a common sight to see, so if you’re wondering what does it mean when you see two owls, it symbolizes that you’re at a crossroad in your life, you have two choices and you need to choose wisely.
What does it mean when an owl flies in front of you?
An owl is an extremely cautious animal and if it flies in front of you it’s not a coincidence, it surely wants to tell you something.
So what does it mean when an owl flies in front of you? There are a few possible answers to that question.
An owl flying in front of you symbolizes a significant change in your perspective of life.
Your inner spirit is awakening and you’re starting to see a wider perspective of your life.
An owl in front of you also symbolizes an important decision you need to make.
You’re in front of a life-changing decision and an owl reminds you that you need to choose wisely.
An owl is there to give you wisdom and help you to make the right decision.
What does it mean when an owl flies in front of you at night?
If you’re wondering what does it mean when an owl flies in front of you at night, the answer is that an owl reminds you that you need to be more cautious in your life.
In the following days, you’ll have to make important decisions and you need to be focused.
What does it mean spiritually when you see an owl?
If you’re not sure what does it mean spiritually when you see an owl, the answer is that an owl is related to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
Your mind is getting stronger and you’re becoming aware of your position in this world.
An owl also reminds you to build a strong mindset. You need to trust your senses and not let anyone dispute your goals.
Show the attitude, that’s the only way to earn respect from others.
Remember, only the brave get rewarded at the end. Be one of them, step into the unknown and you’ll be rewarded.
It’s not a coincidence that an owl appeared in your life right now. It’s a sign that your spirit is ready for changes.
An owl is there to remind you that your mind is mature enough to make rational decisions and you’re on the right path.
What does it mean when you see an owl on the road?

Since the beginning of the world, humans have been trying to identify themselves with animals.
Some of them had their totem animals, who were considered as messengers between our and spiritual world.
Since owls have always been seen as mythical creatures operating under the cover of night, many people see them as their totem animal.
Seeing an owl crossing your path can make you wonder what does it mean. The answer is quite simple.
Your angels are sending this marvelous creature to you to let you know that you’re not alone and that you’re going to get all the support and guidance you deserve.
Owls have multiple spiritual meanings, like no other birds. Not many animals keep so much attention to divine forces as this nocturnal, solitary bird.
What does it mean when you see an owl after someone dies?
An answer to the unpleasant question of what does it mean when you see an owl after someone dies is that an owl in this situation is a spiritual messenger.
It’s bringing you a message from your deceased loved one.
After you see an owl in a situation like this you know that your loved one is telling you from another world that he/she will see you again in spirit.
What does it mean to see an owl in the morning?
On a question, what does it mean to see an owl in the morning – the answer is simple.
Mornings are symbols of light and as such, they resonate with hope, justice, and goodness.
Seeing an owl in the morning is a sign of your future spiritual enlightenment.
What does it mean when you see a brown owl?
Seeing a brown owl can make you ask yourself what does it mean when you see a brown owl.
The brown owl carries a beautiful meaning. This special bird brings nurturing energy which is about your intuition and self-worth.
Now is better than ever to start working on yourself.
What does it mean when you see a white owl?
If you don’t know what does it mean when you see a white owl, the answer is it’s related to the purity of soul and spiritual enlightenment.
White color symbolizes purity and indicates that you have a clean soul.
What does it mean when you see a great horned owl?
After you had a close encounter with one you’re probably wondering what does it mean when you see a great horned owl?
Seeing a great horned owl is a sign for you to take some action.
If you have been procrastinating on some idea or project now is better than ever to make the first moves.
Are owls good luck or bad luck?
The answer to the question are owls good luck or bad luck depends on a certain situation how you meet it.
Usually, seeing an owl is a good omen, but it could, also, be a herald of bad news.
Owls are nocturnal creatures and, due to that fact, they were hunted throughout history.
In the Medieval Age, there was a widespread belief that witches and witchers were transforming themselves into owls.
Therefore, they were unfairly hunted and, in some parts of Europe, almost exterminated.
Though they may look scary, owls are actually gentle giants and they will bring you good luck.
Owls represent spiritual enlightenment and help you to understand the deeper sense of life.
The only situation where an owl can bring you bad news is if it lands on a tree in your backyard.
According to some folktales, it can bring death to your family, but those stories are unconfirmed, and you don’t need to worry.
I hope you enjoyed the article and found the answers you were looking for.
I presented to you what does it mean when you see an owl and explained the connection between owls and the spiritual world.
If you still have any questions and doubts, please, leave a comment and I’ll gladly respond.
Hi Joyce, Recently I had visited Aurobindo ashram in Bangalore & was meditating in front of altar of Aurobindo. Upon opening my eyes, saw the picture of an owl in between the legs of photo of Aurobindo. It was as if owl had manifested in the picture when i saw even though in my previous visits long time back had not noticed the shape of an own in between the legs. What does this signify.
Sushanth Karanth
I love all creatures. Being a nurse i have a nurturing caring spirit. One morning on the way to work I came across an owl in the road . I stopped my car put on hazard lights, went to go see the owl a barred owl sitting with eyes closed Opened them then closed them as to be resting. He/ she didn’t fly away. I hobbled back to my car( healing from ankle surgery) grabbed a scarf and gently picked the owl up and brought to the woods down side of road.. hobbled back to car . Pulled car over to a plaza. Ran back to owl .. someone called to me and said he/ she flew away. So happy to have been able to help and to see and hold the owl .. the traffic was backed up on both sides of the road .. a few people cheered..
Please explain I’m really confused I have seen an owl a grey owl cud be brownish coz it was dark in the evening after work .a lot has been happening in my life lately,Love and work
Thank you
A owl baby (it was small, not sure if it was actually a baby) just landed at my open window, as a Harry Potter fan, I was very excited about it :D. And it didn’t fly away, we were staring at each other, almost in a playful way (funny head movements, etc). I gave her some sunflower seeds (I didn’t had meat) and some water, he drink a bit and then she flew away after a while. I didn’t touch it by respect. The whole event was mystical and majestic! I loved it! Reading this article after to find explanations, made the whole thing even more special to me.
Also, I recently lost my job and the best option is to move abroad but I don’t even like exiting my home. This article kinda confirms that I need to step out of my confort zone. Also, I do research in both science and spirituality (quantum mechanics that PS: is a modern word for Magic) so, again, this means allot to me by many reasons.
The spirituality part is a bit more nuanced, because I also had a Eurasian Magpie friend that I saved from the streets after a storm (was surrounded by cats and couldn’t fly), and you know what they say about Magpies… he stayed with me, used to sleep on my tv or the headboard of my bed and left after 4-5 months. before then, it would follow me everywhere in the city and used to land on my shoulder at the best time to make an impression to everyone who was around me.
PS: Everything I wrote here might seem far fetched, but I have tons of personal videos to prove my point.
Thanks for the article!
Hi I would love to keep in touch with you..I’m going through awakening process
Hi I would love to keep in touch with you..I’m going through awakening process ..I recently has an encounter with an owl late at night ..starring at from my kitchen window
what is meaning of seeing owl standing in a pole, this morning, to precise at 5:25 am.
I have seen two brown owl this week in morning is it trying tell me something I lost my mom a year ago and my dad six months ago